Lucy Anderson- Our fabulous Osteopath

I’m an Osteopath, Pilates Instructor, ex professional ballet and contemporary dancer and mum to 2 little girls..

I first came across Osteopathy whilst a student at The Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance. During this time I had many injuries, usually related to overuse/overtraining. I found my body responded really well to the hands on, body-wide approach to treatment getting me back into action faster than other forms of treatment I’d tried.

In the final year of my dance training I sustained a serious foot injury, which meant months off from dancing (and weight bearing in general) just after graduation. It was a stressful and frustrating time. A daily Pilates-based body conditioning workout was all I could do. The silver lining… a quicker return from injury, with improved strength, posture and mobility than previously. This inspired me to train as a Pilates Instructor whilst in between dance contracts and I completed my training with Body Control Pilates in 2007.

Going on to retrain as an Osteopath in 2011 felt like a natural progression and I qualified with Distinction from the British School of Osteopathy in 2016 and was an academic prize winner in my third year. Since then, I was fortunate enough to work as part of the Healthcare Team for the young dancers’ programme at the London Contemporary Dance school alongside various other general Osteopathic practices.

Having my girls in 2019 and 2022, I have first-hand experience of the exhaustion and physical and emotional pressures of family life. I also understand the frustrations of trying to ‘recover’ from pregnancy and birth when there just isn’t time! I love supporting Mums in finding their bodies again at whatever stage they are after having children.

I enjoy treating patients from all walks of life, but a few specific areas I can help with:

  • Overuse injuries – Injury doesn’t always mean stopping exercise completely. In fact, continuing some form of exercise is often important for recovery. With my combined clinical and exercise expertise, I’m well-equipped to help tailor your workouts to better aid recovery.
  • Injury prevention – Sometimes, we just feel stiff and tight no matter how much stretching or self-care we do. Having regular treatments when our body isn’t feeling quite right can help us get back on track and prevent injury happening in the first place. We send our cars in for regular MOTs so why do we not do this for our bodies?
  • Sports-related injuries – With my lifelong background in Dance, Pilates and Yoga, coupled with 4 years of experience working with the C.A.T. healthcare team at the London Contemporary Dance School, I am well-placed to manage sports-related injuries and can create tailored, evidence-based rehabilitation plans specific to your injury.
  • Managing longer term issues – We can tolerate a certain amount of discomfort day-to-day without it seemingly affecting our normal activities. However, when pain or niggles are ignored and persist for awhile, the body may not be able to compensate as well and other issues gradually emerge that exacerbate the initial problem. I can help you to understand these compensatory patterns and how to work with them as well as giving specific treatment and exercises to help manage symptoms in the longer term.

To book a session with Lucy please call the clinic on – 07932022503 or email You can also email Lucy directly if you have any specific questions about how she may be able to help at

Charity Golf day

Four Health Osteopathy and The 225 Club are delighted to invite you to our inaugural Charity Golf Day!

We are raising much needed funds for the wonderful charity The White Lodge

The White Lodge are a fantastic locally based charity in Chertsey who provide a wide range of services and support that enable children with a range of disabilities and their families and carers, to lead fulfilling lives.

The day will be hosted at the beautiful Leatherhead Club in Surrey on Saturday 28th September 2024.

Registration will be from 9am with tea, coffee, and bacon rolls provided from 10.15am. The driving range with be available to warm up between 9.30am and 10.30am.

First four ball departs at 11am, and we have space for 24 golfers to join us.  

There will be games and prizes to be won along the way, and of course ample refreshments to help you forgot the near misses.

A prize giving ceremony and moment of thanks from the charity will take place after we finish. Big thanks to the guys at The Wine Reserve in Cobham for providing some of the prizes.  

Whether you plan to be competing for the much-coveted main trophy, or simply want to enjoy an afternoon in the sun with some drinks, we welcome all standards of golfer for this wonderful cause!

The price is just £75 per person with all proceeds going directly to the charity.

You can confirm your place by clicking on this PayPal payment link. Please include your name.

Treatment Room to Rent Cobham

Treatment room to rent Cobham location, suitable for:





Physical Therapist


Or similar.

The clinic has been well established in Cobham for a number of years now with a great reputation. We have osteopaths, physiotherapists and massage therapists working here and are looking for practitioners in the local area looking to take on clinic space but that are also keen on being part of a team. We’ll be running CPD discussion groups if you’re interested in joining and regularly cross refer.

The clinic rooms are spacious and bright with aircon and wifi. We have a kitchen, waiting area and separate entrance and also access to the gym on the ground floor. There are currently a variety of hours during the week available.

Please get in touch if you’re looking for a treatment room to rent in Cobham. For more info either call – 07932022503 or email

Golfers Elbow, Stiff Back, Lack of Rotation! But we still love it!!

Hi all,

For people into golf it’s great fun, good exercise (mainly the walking and seeing how far you can throw a club on a bad day!) and great for social interactions but when conditions like golfers elbow, back pain or shoulder injury holds you back what do you do??

Why is Golf Hard?

Golf is also difficult! There is a huge amount of info online to ‘help’. When you go onto Youtube and search for anything to do with golf technique be it; correct grip, through to ‘why do I keep hitting the ball into a hedge on the right side of the fairway??’ you get hundreds of videos sometimes with millions of views! I think one of the reasons why it’s so hard is because it’s one of the few sports that you hit a totally stationery ball. You have a lot of time to think about technique or as they’re known, ‘swing thoughts’ before you hit a shot, unlike tennis for example, where a ball is travelling at speed to you and you have almost zero time to think about correct technique. We’ve all been there whilst standing over the ball I am sure! ‘Are my feet in the right place?’, ‘is my club face aligned?’, ‘is the humidity in the air going to cause me to thin the **** out of this shot??’ etc etc. It’s hard!

Golf Related Injury

In the clinic in Cobham I see, as you can imagine a lot of golfers. Surrey has more golf courses per square mile than anywhere else in the world apparently. (That might be made up, but sounds impressive.) Injuries common to golfers range from; golfers elbow and tennis elbow, shoulder and rotator cuff injuries, back and neck pain, hip issues, big toe issues, the list really goes on and on! As the golf swing is such a dynamic movement, very asymetric and also starts, as mentioned from a relatively stationary position you can potentially over load any part of your body and cause injury.

How an Osteopath can help

Let me make this clear, I am not a golf pro, however I have a particular set of skills (a bit like Liam Neeson but minus the killing bit) that mean I can look at how someone moves in their swing and link it back to the area of your body that’s injured or in pain, understand from a detailed case history what factors may also be contributing to a break down in efficient movement, like an old injury or previous surgery. What can be very useful is feeding this info back to your golf pro if you’re in the process of getting lessons. This will hopefully help them with technique changes that may be different to the so called normal approach to a golf swing. Make sense? Good!

Dave’s Story

Dave, (not his actual name. Its’s David;) came to see me recently for low back pain. He plays a lot of golf to a decent standard but has really been struggling to even finish a round due to pain. On examination his upper back has so stiff and restricted in movement. When I then got him to demonstrate his swing to me he was having to rotate through his low back as he just couldn’t get the rotation to happen higher up where he needed it. A couple of sessions of treatment, some suggested upper back exercises and an email to his pro explaining this all equalled a significant improvement very quickly. Not complicated when you know what to look for but Dave couldn’t work it out on his own. Obviously I now take full credit for his recently reduced golf handicap!

I hope some of this waffle is of interest to someone and please do pass it on to anyone you know that plays and is struggling with injury or pain particulary if they’re getting lessons and finding it tricky to move in the way they may be getting told too. Thanks so much as always. x

Seasons Greetings!

2021 has been another interesting year to say the least and I truly hope everyone has been doing ok? With the highs and lows that the pandemic has thrown at everyone it has felt a bit like a rollercoaster at times. 
Working with you guys at varying points has been so rewarding, hearing your stories, trying to offer support when I can and sometimes being someone to lean on when injury or even just day to day life gets a little much. I constantly feel a sense of privilege that my patients feel they want to and can talk about anything with me.
Moving forward into 2022 I am looking forward to working with some of you. Being proactive about how you feel rather than reactive can be very useful particularly those that are super sporty and active and also those of you with more chronic pain conditions. Please do feel free to get in touch if you have any questions about management and what we can do together to keep you feeling great.

We remain open and of course following government and General Osteopathic Council’s guidelines on practice standards until Thursday 23rd Dec. We reopen after the xmas break on Tuesday 4th. Emergency appointments can be scheduled during the break if needed.

I sincerely hope everyone has a great break over the next couple of weeks and sending out lots of positive vibes to you and your families.

All the best,

A Patient’s Story

Helping our patient’s get back to doing what they love is one of our prime goals. It’s always great to hear how people are getting on after treatment has finished at the osteopathy clinic in Cobham.

Chris from Cobham emailed a couple of days ago to tell me how things are going. She’d initially come in some months back for knee pain which had prevented her from taking part in her exercise classes and was having an impact on her ability to garden. Both were very important to her. We worked together using osteopathic techniques, exercise rehab and some temporary lifestyle changes to reduce pain. It was also necessary to have an x-ray done in order to clarify what level of change had occurred in her knee.

She writes:

“Since my x-ray and your exercise advice, my knee/hip problems have been almost non-existent.  I know the wear and tear there will mean pain will be intermittent but still, I’m grateful all is well for the moment.  I’m back to the level of running and other exercise that suits me and I enjoy.  So thanks so much for all your help and advice.”

Chris is a great example of someone who is self-managing brilliantly and knows what to do if her knee gets a little sore from time to time. She is a great example that perseverance pays off. Keep it up Chris!

If you need any help or advice please get in touch. Don’t let pain get in the way of what you love doing.

Laptop Set-up Tips

Is working from home a pain in the neck?? Maybe this will help…

I am sure many of you are now having to work from home, saying goodbye (for now!) to those lovely ergonomically set up desks.
Using laptops, although convenient can lead to issues like neck pain, upper back pain and even headaches originating form the neck. This tends to happen because we spend long amounts of time looking down at the screen.
Have a look at the video below for a couple of tips on how to reduce the likelihood of this happening and possibly reduce symptoms if you’re already suffering. 

Stay well and positive.

Get a Diagnosis!


Having just got off the phone with a friend of mine who is potentially suffering with a disc injury causing weakness in his leg it amazes me that the therapist he’s been seeing hasn’t even considered this as a possibility!

Instead, treatment has been carried out with no diagnosis and no explanation of what may be causing the issue!

This blows my mind!!🤯

We don’t always have the answers. If in doubt we should REFER to get more info and to help get patients better quicker.

In my experience people want to know what’s happening in their bodies. Information is power 💪

If you go and see a healthcare practitioner it is your right to ask questions and that the treatment you receive is justified.

At Four Health we spend time trying to get to the bottom of what is causing an issue, what’s maintaining an issue and what the issue actually is. Please feel free to get in touch with us with any questions.

Why do your Muscles Hurt??

Have you ever wondered WHY you keep getting TIGHT/SORE MUSCLES??
If you have then have a quick read of this!

There are several potential causes of painful muscles that we, as osteopaths are trained for 5 years to help you understand.

Here are some of the common causes:-
1. Overuse
2. Underuse
3. Irritation of the nerve supplying the muscles
4. Postural issues leading to over-reliance on specific muscles or muscle group
5. Guarding/protection of another structure like a joint

If you’d like help understanding your body a little better and have a structured approach to becoming pain-free then please get in contact for more info or to book an assessment.


What is Pain??

What is pain??

Trying to answer questions like – what is pain and why something might hurt can be very useful for the patients we see at the Four Health Osteopathy clinic.

The definition of pain according to the dictionary is – ‘A highly unpleasant physical sensation caused by illness or injury.’

There are two broad categories of pain –

  1. Nociceptive pain – Pain associated with tissue damage
  2. Neuropathic pain – Pain arising from the nervous system

Nociceptive Pain –

This type of pain is what most people are familiar with. Nociceptive pain is caused by the stimulation of nociceptors which are sensory nerve fibres found all over your body due to tissue damage such as muscle strains or tears, impact trauma or broken bones to name but a few.

When you hurt yourself these nerve fibres are stimulated, they send a message through your nervous system to your brain where the information is interpreted. The result of this is a feeling of pain.

Nociceptive pain characteristics typically change with movement, load and position.

Neuropathic Pain –

This type of pain is caused by damage or disease to the nervous system itself. This can be due to trapped nerves, spinal cord damage, nutritional deficiencies or conditions such as diabetes, MS and strokes.

The symptoms that are common with neuropathic pain are – pins and needles, burning or coldness, numbness and itching.

Why do You Need to Feel Pain??

Simply put, you need to feel pain in order to protect yourself. Let’s say you over reach for something whilst gardening and strain a muscle in your back. Pain acts as your bodies alarm signal to let you know you’ve done something that’s compromised a muscle and caused damage. Pain may continue after the initial incident to give your body time to heal by reducing movement, it may cause you to temporarily stop what you’re doing and it serves to remind you to be careful with certain movements.

How can an Osteopath help??

The majority of patients will come to see us because they’re in pain. Helping people understand why they’re in pain, diagnosing the cause and ascertaining whether it is nociceptive, neuropathic or a combination of the two will help us form the most appropriate plan to help get you back to normality. Knowing what type of pain you’re suffering from also directs what type of treatment is appropriate to help you recover as quickly as possible.

Top Tip

As pain can be acting as your bodies alarm signal telling you that something isn’t quite right be careful when returning to the same level of activity pre-injury too quickly! The damaged tissues may still be vulnerable even if the pain has gone.


The question, ‘what is pain?’ is a very complex one. If you have any questions or would like more info please get in touch by email at – or give us a call on – 07932 022503.